Replaceable hard nylon face with thread. All-purpose face is suitable light and heavy duty applications and is designed to suit nylon faced hammers and safe blow hammers.
Features and Benefits • Thread allows you to easily secure the face to your hammer • Suitable for both light and heavy-duty uses • Available in varying sizes to suit your needs
- Heavy duty, 8-inch insulated combination pliers - Certified to 1000 V AC, 1500 V DC - Aggressive side cutting serrated jaws and 4-point gripping hole
• Kental, tidak menetes, tidak membuat kotor, anti lepas • Tetap berada ditempat anda menyemprotkannya, sempurna untuk permukaan vertikal • Berkemampuan pemulihan sendiri • Anti karat dan pelumas yang sangat tahan lama • Cocok untuk digunakan diluar ruangan
Used for gripping round and irregular-shaped items, tubes and piping, this industrial, heavy-duty strap wrench is ideal for oil filters, hot radiator caps and hub caps. With a chrome vanadium handle and rubber strap, the product makes easy work of removing items in hard to reach areas via the hand turn action.
Features and Benefits • Hardened chrome vanadium handle for durability • Industrial strength rubber strap that won't mark or scratch workpieces • Suited for heavy-duty work due to its durable nature