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Distributor Fluke
Distributor Fluke
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(021) 2908-5810

York Flap Wheel, 30 x 15mm, P120, Aluminium Oxide, 3mm Shank

Shaft mounted flap wheels can be used in portable air or electric power tools, including die grinders, flexible shafts and drills.

Used for a wide range of applications such as removal of rust, cleaning up welds and sanding wood prior to painting. Recessed hub design for maximum access in tight corners.

• Final finishing of metal surfaces.
• Miss-match removal and de-burring on machined components.
• Blending and finishing tool, tubes, dies, moulds, channels.
• Edge blending and cleaning. Surface preparation prior to painting and plating.
• Can be used on metal, wood, plastic and fibreglass.

Products Lainnya
Flap Disc 125 x 2223mm Conical Type 29 P80 Aluminium Oxide
York Flap Disc, 125 x 22.23mm, Conical (Type 29), P80, Aluminium Oxide
Conical flap discs are a high performance alternative to sanding discs where surface finish is important. On light gauge sheet metal, the overlapped abrasive strips slowly wear away revealing fresh abrasive.

Features and Benefits
• The overlap design reduces clogging and ensures the disc always cuts effectively and
• Provides a consistent finish throughout disc life
• No backing pads needed

• Safe to use at 80m/s on any grinder

NonWoven Brush CPFBR 75 x 35mm Roloc Medium Aluminium Oxide 09702
3M Non-Woven Brush, CPFB-R, 75 x 35mm, Roloc, Medium, Aluminium Oxide, 09702
Flaps of heavy-duty cut and polish web. Leaves a uniform finish whilst removing handling marks and ­imperfections.

Features and Benefits
• Aluminium oxide material easily removes surface imperfections, resulting in a much faster cut
• Easy abrasive wheel attachment heavy-duty design for a longer brush life
• Load-resistant open web produces a consistent finish
• Open web conforms to substrate, to minimise gouging
Coated Roll Economy 38mm x 50m Aluminium Oxide P150
Kennedy Coated Roll, Economy, 38mm x 50m, Aluminium Oxide, P150
38mm x 50m Rolls.
Blue twill economy emery is "glue bonded" to a very flexible J-weight blue twill cloth. Suitable for general purpose, light duty workshop use.
Coated Sheet 230 x 280mm Silicon Carbide P500 Wet  Dry
3M Coated Sheet, 230 x 280mm, Silicon Carbide, P500, Wet & Dry
230 x 280mm (9"x11") Sheets.
Aggressive, fast-cutting waterproof silicon carbide paper, perfect for use on paints, lacquers and fillers. Paper backed, A/C weight.

Features and Benefits
• Fast-cutting waterproof abrasive sheet, ideal for fine sanding applications
• Provides a high quality, consistent surface finish
• Sharp abrasive silicon carbide mineral ensures long product life and excellent surface quality
• Flexible and conformable water resistant paper backing for easier handling