Measuring Tools
Fluke TiS75+ Thermal Camera
Be proactive, not reactive
Plan your proactive maintenance (PM) program and make it a reality. To get started, you need a feature that makes it easy for you to organize your pictures and inspection routines. With the TiS75+ you are ready to implement a successful PM program.
- Asset Tagging allows you to easily compare asset images over time.
- Scanning the QR code on each asset creates a timeline of your inspections.
- Use saved time (25% on average spent setting up thermal images) to analyze asset images to see trends, diagnose problems and fix problems before they become failures.
Choose TiS75+
These new Fluke thermal cameras stay true to our mantra of giving customers more than they pay for. The Fluke TiS75+ offers features to help you tackle almost anything you'll encounter in the field. In addition to the features mentioned above, the TiS75+ also includes the ability to:
- IS3 and AVI video recording
- Streaming data
- 384 x 288 thermal resolution
- High temperature range—up to 550 °C
- Dew point calculation